
AI and Customer Experience

AI and Customer Experience AI for CX will be used to allow tailored interaction with the individual which would allow communication at all hours of the day and allow call centres to focus on difficult issues, vulnerable people and edge cases. Customers are constantly seeking smoother and more rewarding experiences when it comes to customer service. Alongside quality and value, it's a key differentiator when we decide who we want to do business with. In fact, research suggests that it’s increasingly becoming the most important factor, as far as many of us are concerned. The term customer experience (CX) covers many areas of our interactions with businesses. How easy is it to access the products and services we want? How friendly and knowledgeable is the staff and are they able to answer any questions we have? Does the technology stack – payment processing services, for example, get in the way and cause difficulties? And if anything goes wrong, how quickly and efficiently is the busi

Customer buy tell

 Customer buy tell Also, when customers start asking you much more detailed questions, they are turning a corner in the decision-making process. Some examples are: How would we implement that? When would you expect delivery? What are the payment terms going to be?  Who's going to do this now?  How would we work this and that together?  These questions indicate a mental choice to begin grappling with the unknowns in a new environment. So, they have recognized that they've jumped into the buying zone, but other people in the organization have yet to, and they need to sell it internally. 

Call to Action

Call to Action  Turns out local limo companies would pay HUNDREDS of d0llars, just for a lead!  (because they would make much more later on)

Customer Support Tool - GetFernand

  GetFernand We’ve tried every service under the sun, but, after a while, we grew increasingly annoyed that out of the bazillion customer support tools available on the market, none were actually focusing on delivering the best user experience for the people spending hours at it every day. They all promised, « stats » and « graphs » to track your employee « productivity », always-on « live chats » that gave customers the impression you’d need to answer within seconds, overwhelming 5-column layouts with « everything at hand » or worse: the promised revolution of « IA and bots » which customers typically despise. We'd had enough, and so we tasked ourselves with building the customer support tool we would like to use. It would be calm yet incredibly snappy, obstinately opinionated to help form better habits, and focused on  building the most magical customer support experience we could .

BNPL - Buy Now Pay Later

Decades later, credit cards became the preferred instrument for making purchases without parting with all of your money up front, although some charge large interest fees. But times are changing yet again, with buy now, pay later (BNPL) services exploding in popularity. BNPL combines the ideas of layaway and credit cards into a potentially more appealing alternative. Unlike with layaway, a customer who uses a buy now, pay later plan doesn’t have to pay for the item in full to take it home; they only need to make the initial deposit. Generally, if paid off within a short time frame, BNPL plans don’t charge any fees or additional interest payments like credit cards do. Instead of having to pay off the item in a month, customers can pay in instalments spread out across a few months. More of a trend for the GENZ generation, make sure that you have this feature soon.  

People, Processes and Products

  Here are the highlights. 👇         Product-Led Growth: Core   📚 The   ultimate   PLG certification.   Containing the   crucial ,   comprehensive , and   essential   knowledge you need on PLG fundamentals, t his encyclopedic curriculum journeys through everything needed to navigate the shifting model of PLG to build, launch and scale successful products.       Product Operations Certified   ⚒️ A key role,   unpacked .   Led by one of the pioneers of the field,   Chris Butler , an experienced PM, writer, and speaker with over 20 years of leadership, this course was designed to help you   understand the role   of product ops, and   upskill you in the fundamentals   needed to bring people, processes, and products together with ease.               PLG Metrics Certified   📊 Uncover the ' why ', inform the ' how '.   Whether it's your first time tackling metrics, or you've got a few years under your belt, there's something for everyone to take away from this s

Payment Method

  Adopting Retail Payment Trends to Attract New Buyers   Retailers know that alternate payment methods help them close more sales and offer more value for consumers, but many don’t know where to start. This can leave them lagging behind early adopters, as adding new payment options creates an opportunity. First movers have the advantage.